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JUNE 2024


The St Albans Environment Question Time is coming on Monday 24th June at 7.00pm

The election has been announced for 4th July - and with that comes the chance to put our election candidates on the spot and find out what their policies really are.


A panel of prospective parliamentary candidates for the St Albans constituency will be taking questions on all sorts of issues around sustainability and the environment.


Register now to come along to the Maltings Theatre on Monday 24th June - doors open 6.30pm for a 7.00pm start


Whether you're talking to politicians who knock on your door, or going to one of the many election question times, here are some questions to show that constituents like you care about the environment and sustainability, and so you can find out more about their policies on these important issues.


The St Albans Environment Question Time will be on Monday 24th June at 7pm. 


4 Key Questions to put to election candidates:


1. Climate Change: What will the party do about putting a new climate plan in place - one that will put us on track to meet our climate obligations and secure sustainable jobs in the green economy?


2. Warm homes: Will the party commit to a £6 billion/year council led, street by street home insultation programme to cut bills and emissions?  Even a place of relative wealth like St Albans has many people living fuel poverty and has a lot of badly insulated, cold homes.


3. Pollution: How will they put an end to the sewage scandal and clean up the water and air pollution that's harming us  and wildlife? Our local River Ver is a rare chalk stream river that has been polluted with sewage numerous times.


4. Protect habitats abroad: Will they commit to a new law that will prevent companies committing environmental and human rights abuses across their supply chain? We need to ensure that UK companies aren't responsible for deforesting the Amazon.


Elections are a key time to get commitments out of politicians and to push them to formulate better policies for the environment. By asking candidates questions like the above you can contribute towards making a more sustainable future for all of us.


You're encouraged to register beforehand as numbers are limited and it gives you the opportunity to submit your question in advance.


Everyone is welcome and entry is free, but under 18s must be accompanied by a responsible adult.


Looking forward to seeing you at the St Albans Environment Question Time on Monday 24th July at The Maltings Theatre.


And finally... Get active on social media


If you've not joined the St. Albans Friends of the Earth Facebook Group yet, then there's no time like the present.


And get on Twitter to find us at @stalbansfoe


If you're really keen, then get some top tips to be really effective on social media here.

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