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JULY 2024


Help us campaign for the right to a Healthy Environment

Help us to make our own plans to support the campaign for a right to a healthy environment.


If we had a right to a healthy environment we could hold polluters to account - be that water companies polluting our rivers with sewage or airlines polluting the air we breath with health wrecking particulates.


So if you care about our local rivers, the health of millions of children or the depletion of nature, you might want to read more about this campaign.


Come along to our meeting on Monday 22nd July 7.30pm at the Crown Pub on Hatfield Road in St Albans when we'll be planning how we can add to the campaign for a legal right to a healthy environment.


If the weather is good we'll sit outside in the garden. If not, we'll be at a table towards the back of the pub.

Sign up for the "What Comes Next" webinar on Thursday 18th July


All that election frenzy is behind us now and we now need to work out the best way of achieving what the environment needs in the context of the new government.


With this in mind, national Friends of the Earth is holding a webinar on What Comes Next - Campaigning after the General Election. This is your chance not just to find out what is planned, but also to feed in to those plans.


The webinar is 6.00 - 7.30pm on Thursday 18th July - book your free place now.

Please join us for a litter pick at Alban Way


There's nothing more satisfying than seeing an area cleared of litter - which doesn't just look messy but also adds to plastic pollution and endangers wildlife.


So we're getting together for another Alban Way Litter Pick. Meet at the Alban Way exit from Morrisons Car Park, Hatfield Road, St Albans on Thursday 1st August 7.00 - 8.00pm when we'll be cleaning up this essential wildlife corridor.


Just bring gardening or other protective gloves and litter pickers if you have them.

Watch & listen to the St Albans Environment Question Time


We had an excellent turn out at the St Albans Environment Question Time on Monday evening.


If you missed the event, where St Albans Election candidates were quizzed by a live audience on all sorts of environmental issues, then you can watch the recording or take a listen to the event divided into 3 podcasts for you by Mix 92.6.


Find out about the candidates' policies on net zero, building on greenbelt, sewage in rivers, buses, food security and much more.


Watch the recording.




Take a listen and please share with anyone who you think might be interested.


Join us at the Hustings for the Future

If you are 16-25 years old, or know anyone who is, then you'll want to know that St Albans and District Friends of the Earth member, Sarah Maclaren, is running a Hustings for the Future just for young people at Rothamsted on Friday 28th June.


It's going to be an exciting evening with Harpenden/Berkhamsted candidates grappling with audience questions, and an ITV crew will be recording all the action.


Places are going fast so book your place now.

And finally... Get active on social media


If you've not joined the St. Albans Friends of the Earth Facebook Group yet, then there's no time like the present.


And get on Twitter to find us at @stalbansfoe


If you're really keen, then get some top tips to be really effective on social media here.

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