Can you help us push for a more sustainable plan for the District?

The consultation is open on the latest Draft St Albans District Local Plan.
What’s a Local Plan? It’s a blueprint for the area’s built environment that includes land for future business, infrastructure and housing developments, in this case for the years up to 2041.
Take a listen to this short podcast to hear more about the plan, and, in particular, why it's important that we use this opportunity to respond to the consultation to ensure that provision is made to ensure the District is as sustainable as possible over the coming decades.
The Draft Local Plan is a substantial document and we will need to pull together to ensure that we get all the important points covered in the St Albans and District Friends of the Earth response and in the recommendations we give to other people.
Can you help us ensure that our response gives workable and effective suggestions to improve the sustainability of our District?
No special knowledge is needed, but if you do have relevant knowledge on eg. transport planning, building for sustainability, local wildlife etc, then your input would be particularly welcome.
We're holding a Zoom meeting on Friday 18th August 7.00 - 8.30pm at which we'll be planning how to get on with the job of preparing our response to the St Albans District Draft Local Plan.
If you think you can help, or just want to find out a bit more, then join the meeting - details below.
This is a way in which our efforts could make a real difference to the sustainability of the District for decades to come.
Meeting join link:
Meeting ID: 847 9240 0367
Passcode: 130887
Join by phone: call either number below and input the meeting ID 847 9240 0367 when prompted.
+44 203 966 3809 or +44 203 695 0088
And finally... Get active on social media

If you've not joined the St. Albans Friends of the Earth Facebook Group yet, then there's no time like the present.
And get on Twitter to find us at @stalbansfoe
If you're really keen, then get some top tips to be really effective on social media here.