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APRIL 2021


Meet your Election Candidates


Friends of the Earth groups from around Hertfordshire are coming together to organise a county council hustings focussing on the climate and ecological crises affecting us.


The Herts Environment Hustings will take place online from 7pm on Monday 19th April and everyone is invited to book their place.


I'll sign up for the hustings now


The chair of the event will be 92.6fm Radio Verulam’s Nick Hazell.


Herts County Council makes so many decisions that affect our environment – from cycle lanes on roads to waste incinerators and from managing road verges for pollinators to Meat Free Mondays in schools – so the elections coming up on 6th May are really important.


All the main political parties – Conservatives, Green, Labour and LibDem - will have 2 representatives on the online panel answering a number of pre-set questions as well as questions set by the public tuning into the event.


The hustings will give everyone who thinks that we should be tackling urgent environmental issues the chance to make a more informed decision at the ballot box on 6th May.


I'll sign up for the hustings now



There is a climate emergency

In July 2019, St Albans City and District Council (SADC) passed a motion recognising the climate emergency. SADC pledged to reduce its carbon emissions to net zero by 2030.

You can see how SADC plans to take action here.

But, to avoid contributing to climate change, everyone in the District needs to cut their household emissions too.

You can help by filling in this survey so we know how local people need help to cut their own emissions.


Yes - I'll take a few minutes to fill in the survey



This survey has been created by St Albans Friends of the Earth and Sustainable St Albans.


We are part of the SADC Climate Advisory Group, and we want to tell the group what action is important to local residents. We will use your views to prioritise action.

You can remain anonymous. However if you would like to be entered into a prize draw for £100 and/or receive further information from us about sustainable living, then please provide your email at the end.


I'll help by filling in the Residents Climate Emergency Survey


Now go ahead and share with your local friends


And finally... Get active on social media


If you've not joined the St.Albans Friends of the Earth Facebook Group yet, then there's no time like the present.


And get on Twitter to find us at @stalbansfoe


If you're really keen, then get some top tips to be really effective on social media here.


Here at St.Albans and District Friends of the Earth we’re keen to do what we can to improve our environment here and in the rest of the world. We’re a small, friendly group who meet once a month. 

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© 2019 St. Albans Friends of the Earth

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